从马克思到凯恩斯 [美]熊彼特 2003
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内容简介: 本书中的这些文章是在1910-1950年这40年间所写,这十篇主要的文章,除了关于马克思的那篇以外,都是由熊彼特本人亲自挑选的。附录中关于克纳普、维塞尔和博特基威茨的三篇短文是根据哥特弗里德・哈伯勒教授的建议收入的,他认为应该重新出版它们,并和其他传记体的文章一起选入本书。除马克思以外,作者和这些传记文章的主人公之间有着密切的关系。熊彼特的特点是:对历史的和纯理论的东西、计量经济学和收集到的大量实际资料、社会学以及统计学,他持赞赏态度,认为它们有用。如此广泛的兴趣也反映在这些传记性的作品中。 熊彼特(Joseph ANts SChulnpeter,1883-1950)是现代经济学家,原为奥地利人,后入美国籍。他采用静态和动态方法,建立静态经济学和动态经济学两个体系;提出动态利润说,颁扬垄断资本家的作用,为高额垄断利润辩护。其主要著作有:《理论经济学的本质与主要内容》、《经济发展的理论》、《经济循环》、《资本主义、社会主义与民主主义》等。 在其创新理论中,熊彼特认为:经济发展来自经济生活内部的一种创造性变动,所谓创新,就是实现生产要素和生产条件的一种新组合,而资本经济创新的引进呈波浪式,因此会产生经济波动和经济周期;资本主义会逐步和平演变为社会主义,大企业家们是社会主义的真正开路人。 最终还是没时间去读经济发展理论,和凯恩斯的传记集片段一起买的,相对于那本书,这本书无疑更“学术”一点。据说在十个人里,熊彼特唯一没有接触过本人的只有马克思。全书也只有关于马克思的部分直接跳过,多少还留有一点读那本书的印象。 译序里面最惊艳的就是熊彼特年轻时的... 1883年,A YEAR OF NO SIGNIFICANCE,但这一年见证了经济史上最伟大的身影的来来往往:马克思在这一年去世,凯恩斯和熊彼得在这一年出生。从马克思到凯恩斯,经济学走过了由历史逻辑论证到纯数理科学证明的一段道路,也是经济学真正成为显学的探索、成长历程。熊彼得让我知道了... 人类始终只能提出自己能够解决的任务 ,因为只要仔细考察就可以发现,任务本身,只有在解决它的物质条件已经存在或者至少是在生成过程中的时候才会产生。 2013-07-23 11:23  1人喜欢 人类始终只能提出自己能够解决的任务 ,因为只要仔细考察就可以发现,任务本身,只有在解决它的物质条件已经存在或者至少是在生成过程中的时候才会产生。 英文原版79頁,pdf檔第130頁 To find exact forms for the phenomena whose interdependence is given us by experience, to reduce these forms to, and derive them from, each other: this is what the physicists do, and this is what Walras did. And Walras did it in a new field which could not draw on centuries of preparatory work. He did it immediately with very favorable results. He did it in spite of out...   2011-10-29 05:34 英文原版79頁,pdf檔第130頁 To find exact forms for the phenomena whose interdependence is given us by experience, to reduce these forms to, and derive them from, each other: this is what the physicists do, and this is what Walras did. And Walras did it in a new field which could not draw on centuries of preparatory work. He did it immediately with very favorable results. He did it in spite of outer and inner difficulties. He did it without help and without collaborators, until he himself had created them -- without any encouragement other than that which he found within himself. He did it though he knew, though he must have known, that he could expect success or recognition in his own generation neither among economists nor among mathematicians. He walked a solitary path without the moral support to which the practical man as well as the scientist is unually accustomed. Thus his portrait shows all the chracteristics which distinguish the truly creative mind from those that are created. So much for the man, The work will find its recognition -- sooner or later.熊大手絕對是Walras的腦殘粉,74頁開篇欲揚先抑自黑本命一大段,寫到Walras去世時筆調掩飾不住地流露出悲愴憂傷,最後評曰又那麼的淒涼……最後還傲嬌地說,我要說的就這些,他的成就遲早會被重視的!話說大手真奇怪,黑馬克思的時候花了70頁來黑,真到了本命了反而只寥寥寫了5頁,果真近鄉情怯麼噗…… 英文原版79頁,pdf檔第130頁 To find exact forms for the phenomena whose interdependence is given us by experience, to reduce these forms to, and derive them from, each other: this is what the physicists do, and this is what Walras did. And Walras did it in a new field which could not draw on centuries of preparatory work. He did it immediately with very favorable results. He did it in spite of out...   2011-10-29 05:34 英文原版79頁,pdf檔第130頁 To find exact forms for the phenomena whose interdependence is given us by experience, to reduce these forms to, and derive them from, each other: this is what the physicists do, and this is what Walras did. And Walras did it in a new field which could not draw on centuries of preparatory work. He did it immediately with very favorable results. He did it in spite of outer and inner difficulties. He did it without help and without collaborators, until he himself had created them -- without any encouragement other than that which he found within himself. He did it though he knew, though he must have known, that he could expect success or recognition in his own generation neither among economists nor among mathematicians. He walked a solitary path without the moral support to which the practical man as well as the scientist is unually accustomed. Thus his portrait shows all the chracteristics which distinguish the truly creative mind from those that are created. So much for the man, The work will find its recognition -- sooner or later.熊大手絕對是Walras的腦殘粉,74頁開篇欲揚先抑自黑本命一大段,寫到Walras去世時筆調掩飾不住地流露出悲愴憂傷,最後評曰又那麼的淒涼……最後還傲嬌地說,我要說的就這些,他的成就遲早會被重視的!話說大手真奇怪,黑馬克思的時候花了70頁來黑,真到了本命了反而只寥寥寫了5頁,果真近鄉情怯麼噗…… 人类始终只能提出自己能够解决的任务 ,因为只要仔细考察就可以发现,任务本身,只有在解决它的物质条件已经存在或者至少是在生成过程中的时候才会产生。 2013-07-23 11:23  1人喜欢 人类始终只能提出自己能够解决的任务 ,因为只要仔细考察就可以发现,任务本身,只有在解决它的物质条件已经存在或者至少是在生成过程中的时候才会产生。 人类始终只能提出自己能够解决的任务 ,因为只要仔细考察就可以发现,任务本身,只有在解决它的物质条件已经存在或者至少是在生成过程中的时候才会产生。 2013-07-23 11:23  1人喜欢 人类始终只能提出自己能够解决的任务 ,因为只要仔细考察就可以发现,任务本身,只有在解决它的物质条件已经存在或者至少是在生成过程中的时候才会产生。 英文原版79頁,pdf檔第130頁 To find exact forms for the phenomena whose interdependence is given us by experience, to reduce these forms to, and derive them from, each other: this is what the physicists do, and this is what Walras did. And Walras did it in a new field which could not draw on centuries of preparatory work. He did it immediately with very favorable results. He did it in spite of out...   2011-10-29 05:34 英文原版79頁,pdf檔第130頁 To find exact forms for the phenomena whose interdependence is given us by experience, to reduce these forms to, and derive them from, each other: this is what the physicists do, and this is what Walras did. And Walras did it in a new field which could not draw on centuries of preparatory work. He did it immediately with very favorable results. He did it in spite of outer and inner difficulties. He did it without help and without collaborators, until he himself had created them -- without any encouragement other than that which he found within himself. He did it though he knew, though he must have known, that he could expect success or recognition in his own generation neither among economists nor among mathematicians. He walked a solitary path without the moral support to which the practical man as well as the scientist is unually accustomed. Thus his portrait shows all the chracteristics which distinguish the truly creative mind from those that are created. So much for the man, The work will find its recognition -- sooner or later.熊大手絕對是Walras的腦殘粉,74頁開篇欲揚先抑自黑本命一大段,寫到Walras去世時筆調掩飾不住地流露出悲愴憂傷,最後評曰又那麼的淒涼……最後還傲嬌地說,我要說的就這些,他的成就遲早會被重視的!話說大手真奇怪,黑馬克思的時候花了70頁來黑,真到了本命了反而只寥寥寫了5頁,果真近鄉情怯麼噗……