经济学.英文版·第18版/中国教育部推荐原版引进教材 Paul A.Samuelson 2005
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作者:Paul A.Samuelson
内容简介: 美国获诺贝尔经济奖的第一人,现代经济学之父萨缪尔森的《经济学》是一本学习经济学的必读经典。 首版至今逾50年,总销量达数千万册,被译成数十种文字,其思想影响了几代人。 本书具有丰富的课后辅导材料,重视核心分析与现实政策,适合于教学。 本书是2005年的最新版。 为便于读者阅读,本书专门附有中英文对照术语表。 为采用本书作为教材的任课教师提供教辅材料。 经典之作 虽然原文有点难啃,既锻炼英语,又再次系统地学习经济学知识,一举两得,而乐而不为也 经典之作 虽然原文有点难啃,既锻炼英语,又再次系统地学习经济学知识,一举两得,而乐而不为也 Fundamental economic problems, how did the governors and people in the most prosperous ages of China dealt with them? Do they deal with the problems by themselves or are they actually just participants of historical processes? How did the Chinese understand and solve their identified economics issues? 2011-06-23 15:08 Fundamental economic problems, how did the governors and people in the most prosperous ages of China dealt with them? Do they deal with the problems by themselves or are they actually just participants of historical processes? How did the Chinese understand and solve their identified economics issues? Positive economics, no ambiguous morals involved in the problem setting, I.e. Everything factual. Normative economics, in which ethical aspects projected by human onto economic goods are involved. If economics be divided into production and distribution, then production is more related with positive economics, and positive economics focuses on production most naturally. Once distribution is inv... 2011-06-23 14:51 Positive economics, no ambiguous morals involved in the problem setting, I.e. Everything factual. Normative economics, in which ethical aspects projected by human onto economic goods are involved.If economics be divided into production and distribution, then production is more related with positive economics, and positive economics focuses on production most naturally. Once distribution is involved, ethical aspects are inevitable. Discrepancies between individual and aggregate behavior are contended to have been the results of interacting individuals. Why exactly does the system and it's components behave in different ways? Because some the system's properties are not determined by it's components, but by the internal forces, which is equally part of the system? 2011-06-23 14:28 Discrepancies between individual and aggregate behavior are contended to have been the results of interacting individuals. Why exactly does the system and it's components behave in different ways? Because some the system's properties are not determined by it's components, but by the internal forces, which is equally part of the system? Statistics and the scientific method. As oppsing the mathematical inductive reasoning based on certain normative axioms like that of the existence of oneself, which most philosophers adopted until rise of science. 2011-06-23 14:15 Statistics and the scientific method. As oppsing the mathematical inductive reasoning based on certain normative axioms like that of the existence of oneself, which most philosophers adopted until rise of science. In particular, efficiency is defined in margins, I.e. In terms of better and worth offs in everyone's 'economic goods', and suggests a rather 'collective' perspective of bearing the 'goods' of other people in mind, although certainly in marginal terms only and nothing of collectivism is involved. In the book Adam ... 2011-06-22 23:02 Definitions of scarcity and efficiency quoted, as two fundamental assumptions.In particular, efficiency is defined in margins, I.e. In terms of better and worth offs in everyone's 'economic goods', and suggests a rather 'collective' perspective of bearing the 'goods' of other people in mind, although certainly in marginal terms only and nothing of collectivism is involved.In the book Adam Smith is identified as founder of modern microeconomics, and Keynes of macroeconomics. This is surprisingly frank, to admit dependence of mind of a researcher, and how much this stated commitment in a top-selling textbook has contributed to the eminence of Keynesian economics must be at least worth noticing. Statistics and the scientific method. As oppsing the mathematical inductive reasoning based on certain normative axioms like that of the existence of oneself, which most philosophers adopted until rise of science. 2011-06-23 14:15 Statistics and the scientific method. As oppsing the mathematical inductive reasoning based on certain normative axioms like that of the existence of oneself, which most philosophers adopted until rise of science. Discrepancies between individual and aggregate behavior are contended to have been the results of interacting individuals. Why exactly does the system and it's components behave in different ways? Because some the system's properties are not determined by it's components, but by the internal forces, which is equally part of the system? 2011-06-23 14:28 Discrepancies between individual and aggregate behavior are contended to have been the results of interacting individuals. Why exactly does the system and it's components behave in different ways? Because some the system's properties are not determined by it's components, but by the internal forces, which is equally part of the system? Fundamental economic problems, how did the governors and people in the most prosperous ages of China dealt with them? Do they deal with the problems by themselves or are they actually just participants of historical processes? How did the Chinese understand and solve their identified economics issues? 2011-06-23 15:08 Fundamental economic problems, how did the governors and people in the most prosperous ages of China dealt with them? Do they deal with the problems by themselves or are they actually just participants of historical processes? How did the Chinese understand and solve their identified economics issues? Fundamental economic problems, how did the governors and people in the most prosperous ages of China dealt with them? Do they deal with the problems by themselves or are they actually just participants of historical processes? How did the Chinese understand and solve their identified economics issues? 2011-06-23 15:08 Fundamental economic problems, how did the governors and people in the most prosperous ages of China dealt with them? Do they deal with the problems by themselves or are they actually just participants of historical processes? How did the Chinese understand and solve their identified economics issues? Positive economics, no ambiguous morals involved in the problem setting, I.e. Everything factual. Normative economics, in which ethical aspects projected by human onto economic goods are involved. If economics be divided into production and distribution, then production is more related with positive economics, and positive economics focuses on production most naturally. Once distribution is inv... 2011-06-23 14:51 Positive economics, no ambiguous morals involved in the problem setting, I.e. Everything factual. Normative economics, in which ethical aspects projected by human onto economic goods are involved.If economics be divided into production and distribution, then production is more related with positive economics, and positive economics focuses on production most naturally. Once distribution is involved, ethical aspects are inevitable. Discrepancies between individual and aggregate behavior are contended to have been the results of interacting individuals. Why exactly does the system and it's components behave in different ways? Because some the system's properties are not determined by it's components, but by the internal forces, which is equally part of the system? 2011-06-23 14:28 Discrepancies between individual and aggregate behavior are contended to have been the results of interacting individuals. Why exactly does the system and it's components behave in different ways? Because some the system's properties are not determined by it's components, but by the internal forces, which is equally part of the system? Statistics and the scientific method. As oppsing the mathematical inductive reasoning based on certain normative axioms like that of the existence of oneself, which most philosophers adopted until rise of science. 2011-06-23 14:15 Statistics and the scientific method. As oppsing the mathematical inductive reasoning based on certain normative axioms like that of the existence of oneself, which most philosophers adopted until rise of science.